Life together
in the fullness of Christ


All Saints Church is a new congregation in the Placerville-Camino area. We’re in an exciting season of gathering a multi-generational community of followers of Christ and spiritual seekers. If you’re looking for a church with deep Christian roots, thought-provoking and vibrant faith, a focus on spiritual formation, and a community of real people, All Saints Church might be for you. If you have questions or would like the chance to get acquainted, we would welcome the opportunity to connect with you.

Rev. Ryan Jones (Elizabeth, Nathan & Aidan)
Rector (Lead Pastor)

Worship Service

Sundays @ 10:00am

3520 Carson Road, Camino, CA 95709

More information about our gatherings

The Great Tradition:
Life together in the fullness of Christ

Over the past twenty centuries, people of all different ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds have discovered that true life is found in Christ. This is where hope and joy have their source. To belong in Christ is to be part of a long and beautiful tradition and to participate in a large family - a world-wide and historic community of people from every conceivable background, language, and culture. Our name (All Saints) is a reminder that our church is but one, local expression of what is traditionally called “the communion of saints” - the family of Jesus

Our congregation has one overarching purpose: Life together in the fullness of Christ.

Exploring Christian Faith?

Are you curious about God? Have questions about faith and religion? Wondering if there is meaning to life… or more particularly, to your life? We’d love to be a resource and walk alongside you in your journey. Please feel free to reach out to talk to a member of our team.

A Unique Partnership: Iona House

All Saints Church has a special partnership with a center for contemplation and communal Christian formation called Iona House, located in Placerville. Iona House is a place where Christians and spiritual seekers from Northern California and beyond come to experience a unique retreat setting - a place to reimagine all of life in reference to Christ.

Though not officially affiliated with Iona House (they share leadership, but are separate entities with separate governance), All Saints Church exists in part to provide a sacramental, worshiping community for guests of Iona House. All Saints Church is excited to have the opportunity to serve a broad range of Christians and seekers through participation in the mission of Iona House. This looks like everything from volunteering with gardening, to helping with hospitality, to caring for the animals, and more. Members of All Saints Church (and other local churches) are welcome to engage in the communal rhythms of prayer and worship (morning, midday, and evening prayer) offered at the Iona House campus.

The relationship between All Saints Church and Iona House is reminiscent of an ancient Celtic pattern of church known as the “monasterium”. For more about this ancient pattern, see our “monasterium” page.


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