Worship at All Saints Church
Gathering Details
Time: Sundays, 10am
Location: 3520 Carson Road, Camino, CA 95709
Communion: There is an opportunity to receive Holy Communion each week. Communion is open to all baptized believers who desire to be faithful to Christ.
Children & Families: We value intergenerational worship; families are welcomed and encouraged to have their their children in the worship service. We offer quiet activity bags with children’s activities for kids as well as a space in the back for little ones who might need to crawl around.
More about our vision for children’s ministry…
Other: We enjoy refreshments together after the service each week along with a monthly potluck. Attire for worship is nice casual (or whatever seems comfortable to you).
For more about what Anglican worship services look like (and explanation about the meaning of what we’re doing), please check out our Guide to Worship.
Embodying a full expression of worship
Our worship service features a significant amount of Scripture - in the form of readings (four passages each week), a sermon based on the readings, and a liturgy which is scripturally based. The focus of the Scriptures is a Living Person, Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God incarnate and the fulfillment of God’s revelation.
The climax of the worship service is Holy Communion - a participation in the very life of Christ. Echoing the long tradition of the Church, we believe that Christ is mysteriously and tangibly present in the elements of bread & wine. In receiving the Body & Blood of Christ we are strengthened in our identity in Christ and renewed in our union with Christ’s entire Body - the global Church of the past, present, and future. We practice a shared Communion table with other Christians; we welcome all baptized and repentant followers of Christ to participate with us.
Our life together is a fellowship in the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit animate our worship service. We believe the Spirit is present to heal, convict us of sin, offer encouragement and exhortation and more. Our ministry team is available each Sunday to anoint and pray for any person who desires such.